Thursday, March 4, 2010

You ok, mommy?

At bedtime after your nightly story which right now happens to be Goodnight Moon one of my fav.'s!  I was singing to you, your usual two songs before I lay you down, and I started coughing a little, I try to getting thru the song but for whatever reason I kept kinda choking, be it a dry throat or whatever...  you look up at me with those beautiful hazel eyes, pacifier in mouth, "You..... ok..... mommy?"  Oh my.. at 16 months your already showing compassion, oh how I love you!  That was one of those moments I will always treasure!

Time out, it a place both you and your big brother are often finding yourselves in.  It's got to be the age, you two are getting into it a lot lately, particularly screaming matches, ugh, not fun.  Anyway I LOV that after your time outs you and Cam are so wonderful at saying your sorrys and giving hugs and kisses.  Your both so loving and kind to each other even in the midst of constant arguing!

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